Syringe & Supply Access
Hypodermic Syringes & Needles Act - 720 ILCS 635 (2018)
Removes criminal penalties for possession of hypodermic syringes and needles so long as the person is authorized to possess syringes (i.e., a provider, a person who obtained them legally from a syringe program, pharmacy, etc.)
Tasks the Illinois Department of Public Health with creating guidelines to advise local health departments on implementing syringe and needle disposal policies that are consistent with or more stringent than any available guidelines regarding disposal for home health care products provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Act - PA 101-0356 (2019)
Allows any governmental or nongovernmental organization, or a person or entity, that promotes scientifically proven ways of mitigating health risks associated with drug use and other high-risk behaviors to establish and operate a needle and hypodermic syringe access program. Sets program goal requirements:
(1) reducing the spread of HIV, AIDS, viral hepatitis, and other bloodborne diseases;
(2) reducing the potential for needle stick injuries from discarded contaminated equipment; and
(3) facilitating connections or linkages to evidence-based treatment.
Requires programs established under this Act to provide all of the following:
(1) Disposal of used needles and hypodermic syringes.
(2) Needles, hypodermic syringes, and other safer drug consumption supplies, at no cost and in quantities sufficient to ensure that needles, hypodermic syringes, or other supplies are not shared or reused.
(3) Educational materials or training on
(A) overdose prevention and intervention; and
(B) the prevention of HIV, AIDS, viral hepatitis, and other common bloodborne diseases resulting from shared drug consumption equipment and supplies.
(4) Access to opioid antagonists approved for the reversal of an opioid overdose, or referrals to programs that provide access to opioid antagonists approved for the reversal of an opioid overdose.
(5) Linkages to needed services, including mental health treatment, housing programs, substance use disorder treatment, and other relevant community services.
(6) Individual consultations from a trained employee tailored to individual needs.
(7) If feasible, a hygienic, separate space for individuals who need to administer a prescribed injectable medication that can also be used as a quiet space to gather composure in the event of an adverse on-site incident, such
as a nonfatal overdose.
(8) If feasible, access to on-site drug adulterant testing supplies such as reagents, test strips, or quantification instruments that provide critical real-time information on the composition of substances obtained for consumption.
Provides the following additional provisions:
Civil liability exemption for law enforcement officers who arrest or charge someone later found to be entitled to immunity under this law.
Established programs must register with IDPH.
Allows IDPH to report out annually re: statewide overdose data (fatal and nonfatal), and the substance use treatment capacity across the state.